Do I need an appointment for an estimate?
No appointments are necessary for your estimate to be completed, however if you call in advance it will help to ensure there is not a long wait on higher traffic days.
How long do estimates take?
Generally a minor ding or accident will take about 15 minutes for the estimate but a vehicle towed in can sometimes take several hours.
What happens when my vehicle is towed in?
Normally when your vehicle is towed in you have already contacted your insurance company and we may have received an electronic assignment to start an estimate. In cases of not going through insurance we would be in contact with you before performing a tear down to avoid any unnecessary charges.
Do you charge for estimates?
All estimates are free.
Can you write an estimate over the phone?
Unfortunately it is difficult to write an estimate over the phone because we cannot see the damage.
What if my vehicle has frame damage?
Most vehicles are built without frames and are called uni-body. There are still some cases where measurements need to be taken and pulling panels and sheet metal back into place are part of the repair. Full frame trucks would go on our frame and measuring system to be repaired.
Do you provide rental vehicles?
We can arrange to have a rental while your vehicle is being repaired for as little as $35.00 per day plus tax.
How long will my vehicle repair take?
The repair length is usually determined by the number of hours on the repair. The industry standard is to follow a formula of .3 (e.g., 16.5 hours x .3 = 5 days of repair) this allows for dry time throughout the repair.
Is there warranty on the repairs?
There is a lifetime warranty on your paint work and a 1 year or 20,000 km against workmanship. Rust repairs are not covered under warranty.
Do you use the paint from the manufacturer?
Most manufacturers use several different paint lines depending where the vehicle is built all are very similar . Your paint code provides each paint manufacturer with the formula that your vehicle is painted with. In some cases there can be several variations of the same paint code because of different suppliers to the manufacturer.
Do you install body kits or other aftermarket body parts and match paint?
We have completed several body kits and painted the parts to match the car.
What is the aftercare procedure for freshly painted vehicles?
As a result of today’s chemistry in the products dry times and cleaning can usually be done the next day. The exception to the rule would be 60 days for some paint and rust protection products.
What methods of payment are acceptable?
We take cash, debit and all major credit cards.
Can you deliver my vehicle when it is completed?
Unfortunately, we are not able to deliver vehicles at this time.
When/where do I pay my deductible?
Your deductible is collected by the shop when you pick up your vehicle.